Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beautiful Day

We spent Sunday at Hawrelak Park and the girls road their bikes and played at the park. They had a great time.

Kevin taking photos while I'm watching the kids.

Amelia serving me "ice cream".

Naomi getting the hang of "posing". This is also the same bridge that Amelia fell off of while Kevin was taking photos!

Naomi riding her bike.

Amelia on her big girl bike. She's just starting to figure it out, but she's pretty good at it already.

We have decided that one day on the weekend we need to be out of the house by 9am so that we can go and do something fun for the kids. This is what we did last week. I'm sure that most weekends will have a park in it at some point.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Sooo cute. Jordan and I miss you guys.