Friday, July 3, 2009

All by myself (+3 children)

So we had a wonderful weekend planned. We'd rented a house at a lake nearby for 5 days, Kevin took the time off work for our mini-vacation, and unfortunatley we had to cancel it. Kevin had to fly to Montreal yesterday for a funeral of a close friends father. So here I am, no beach, no Kevin and 3 children all on my own. Actually, it's not as tough as I thought it was going to be. The girls are being so great and helping me out a lot. Just feeling a little lonely without Kevin around. 2 more sleeps and he'll be home.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Hey Coral, so sad you had to cancel a vacation. I hate when that happens. And yes, don't you know that boys are gross. You should know that after growing up with a lot of boys around.