Friday, August 1, 2008

The weekend

Well another weekend is here and I can't beleive that we don't have to work on the yard. Well actually that's not true as it needs to be mowed. No big deal. That's a way easier task than the previous backyard tasks. So tonight we are meeting another family and taking the kids camping. We're only going 1 night as this is a trial run. It's just an hour from home so if we need to make a mad dash at 3am, we're okay! Naomi is really excited about sleeping in the tent on her Dora bed. Amelia doesn't quite get it yet, but I'm sure will have fun. I can only imagine what the photos will be. Naomi is so cautious and clean, and Amelia is so NOT cautious and NOT clean. When we go to the park I usually find Amelia with a mouth full of sand, dirt, rocks, garbage, cigarette butts (honestly who smokes at a children's park!) or whatever else seems to be lying around. Naomi on the other hand hardly even likes to sit in the sand to dig in it, because she doesn't want to get dirty. It's so funny how children from the same parents, in the same environment can be sooooo different.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Too tired to eat Cheerios

I meant to post these photos awhile ago. I usually put Amelia in the high chair while I'm making supper and give her Cheerios to snack on. It keeps her busy and it stops the fighting between her and Naomi while I am otherwise occupied. I was busy cooking away until I realized it was MUCH quieter than it should be.

I couldn't let her stay all slumped over so I put the chair back. The funniest part about the whole thing was when she woke up she just opened her eyes, looked at me and stuffed a cheerio in her mouth.

Some cute one's of the girls!

Okay, Amelia actually crawled under our sofa. First of all, I can't believe that she would actually fit under there, and secondly, boy was she MAD when she couldn't get out!
Quite funny though!
Sweet little Naomi helping throw rocks into the big dirt pile. The fashion statement of the day with shorts and rain boots!
This is Sable (Naomi's cousin's dog). Nice puppy!
And Amelia just being her hilarious little self. Thinking she SOOOOOO funny.

Grass, grass, grass

Our Grass is finally done. Here is Naomi with her super soccer kick playing on the new grass. She was so excited that it didn't have prickles in it! You can still see the dirt along the fence. We will be planting some trees and shrubs...maybe next year!
The other side of the yard (this is directly behind where the last picture was taken). Again, more trees will be planted here.
A view from above. Lookin down from Amelia's bedroom.
Again just the other part of the lawn. It's too big to get all in one photo! It's so green and beautiful.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

One more week

Well, seeing as though the weather is not co-operating I am going to have to live with a mud puddle for a back yard for 1 more week (fingers and toes crossed). We were all set to lay new sod tomorrow, but the forecast says 70% POP! We'll 1 more week won't kill us right? Arrrgh. Oh well. I just keep thinking that it will all be worth it in the end.

Both girls are napping for the moment and I am enjoying a few moments of solitude. Ahhhhh. Wish I had my new bath tub installed and could go for a bubble bath!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I hate dirt

Okay, so going into this I figured 1 week 2 at max without grass. Well we are heading into week 3 and I'm getting a little tired of the mud pit in the backyard. When we were ripping the old sod out it was over 32 degrees, now that we are trying to level and get the new dirt in (before we lay new sod) it has rained.... This rain then turns my backyard into a mud bath (think mosh pit at Woodstock). Anyway, hopefully we can finally get the new dirt down (why do we have to PAY for dirt anyway?) and be laying the new sod this coming weekend!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No Grass

We have had no grass of course and it's been over 30 degrees every day, so we brought the kids pool up on the deck. Just showing off the cute girls!

The work begins!

So we've torn apart our back yard and have been working like dogs to get it all done quickly. The word quickly, however, doesn't exsit when it is 32 degrees outside. We started on Saturday morning by renting a sod cutter to obviously cut the old sod. Then we spent THE REST OF THE DAY rolling it and moving it into a gigantic pile.
The backyard from the deck.

The backyard looking at the deck.

The side of the house.

The same side, just from the other end.

What a lot of work, but it will be worth it.

The next day we had the missionaries come and help us move all the dirt. They offered their help, and who am I to say no?

This is the front year that we ripped up too.
Do you know how heavy a roll of sod is???
This is actually one of the missionaries under my deck shovelling dirt towards the house.
Ahhh, bare ground! We had to move a bunch of dirt to level the ground out. Will keep posting new photos as the rest of the project comes together!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Okay okay okay!

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since my last blog. Sorry, but that's just the way it goes with 2 little ones. The weather has finally warmed up in Edmonton here and we then to spend a good chunk of the day outdoors. I love being outside. We are getting ready to totally re-do our landscaping. Sure wish my brother-in-law lived closer!!! Anyway, unfortunately our yard is infested with good old Canadian Thistle. I have never seen such a nasty weed in my life. So this weekend we are stripping the sod, killing the thistle and roto-tilling the earth. Hopefully we will be able to have it smoothed and leveled and then next weekend we can be laying new sod, planting trees etc. I'm sooo excited to have it done. We have worked our butts off the last 3 yrs reno-ing the inside of the house, it's time to do something on the outside. I'll post photos of the project as it happens.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Anniversary To Us

Today is our 4 yr anniversary. Hard to beleive that so much has happened in the last few years. I remember being younger and having everyone older tell me to enjoy the moment as time just passes too quickly. Well I must be "older" now as I now realize just how fast it does go by. Kevin and I have shared 4 yrs of married bliss...well not always bliss, but a true and deep love and happiness together. We have 2 beautiful little girls that just won't stop growing no matter what I do! We have a beautiful home and wonderful lives together. We pinch ourselves almost daily realizing just how blessed we are. My goal in life is to NEVER take my family for granted. That includes my immediate family as well as my extended family. So if you are reading this, please know that you are loved deeply.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Listening to Thunder

There are just some things that you can't bottle and store forever such as a good thunder storm. I am sitting here at my computer listening to the incredible thunder storm that we are having. Both the girls are napping (yay!) and I finally have some time to myself. Maybe I should go do laundry or clean a bathroom? Nah, what's the fun in that. Kevin's mom and dad just returned from a wonderful vacation and we were just over to see them. It's so nice to see how my girls are with their grandparents. Makes me wish that our whole family lived closer together.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Zoo

Okay, I'm not sure how to post photos and words beside it. Any tips? Anway, this is Amelia having fun at the park.
This is Lucy the Elephant here in Edmonton. Yes she is painting.

This is my laundry room that Kevin just finished this weekend. Are we ever going to have a weekend without a project?
My laundry sink. Desperately needed!

The month of May

May was a very busy month for us. Amelia turned 1 on May did that happen? She started to walk the day after her birthday and hasn't turned back since. We also had Grandma Ruth come and stay with us for 2 weeks. We had so much fun. Everyday we were out and about doing something. The last few days have been a little boring without my partner in crime to go out with. Here are a few photos of our visit and Amelia's party.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Just starting

Okay, I have been hounded enough! I will finally start a blog. I can't promise daily updates, but I'm hoping to manage weekly ones. I see how cute my sisters blog is and love the idea of family and friends being able to catch up on a more frequent basis.
Hmmm, now what? Well let me figure this out a bit more and will post again later.