Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grass, grass, grass

Our Grass is finally done. Here is Naomi with her super soccer kick playing on the new grass. She was so excited that it didn't have prickles in it! You can still see the dirt along the fence. We will be planting some trees and shrubs...maybe next year!
The other side of the yard (this is directly behind where the last picture was taken). Again, more trees will be planted here.
A view from above. Lookin down from Amelia's bedroom.
Again just the other part of the lawn. It's too big to get all in one photo! It's so green and beautiful.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Hopefully it will stay nice and green. Our lawn is having a bit of trouble staying green this month. Better get that irrigation guy out to have a look at it.